Useful information you may need and not want to talk about

Health Amendment Card

If you contracted Hepatitis C from the administration within Ireland of blood or blood products and have a positive diagnostic test, you are entitled to a range of services including public in-patient and out-patient hospital services, GP services, all prescribed drugs, medicines and appliances, dental and ophthalmic services, home help, home nursing, counselling services and other services without charge. If you are eligible, the Hepatitis C Liaison Officer in your HSE area will arrange to issue you with a Health (Amendment) Act Card (HAA Card), which will make it easier for you to access these services.

A HAA Card is not the same as a Medical Card. The HAA Card is personal to the individual cardholder and does not cover family members (except in the case of access to counselling services). You should bring your card with you when availing of services.


Summary of Entitlements

GP Services

Prescribed drugs, medicines, aids and appliances

Dental services

Ophthalmic services

Aural services

Home support services

Home nursing

Counselling services

A range of other services, such as chiropody/podiatry, and physiotherapy

Certain in-patient and out-patient services in public hospitals



For further information click here.